Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Who are we

DAPL (formerly e-Doodh Solutions Pvt.Ltd) has emerged as a leading innovator and implementor of cost-effective cutting-edge technology based solutions for the Dairy industry.

Dairy Automation Pvt. Ltd. 



 Cleaning Solutions from Dairy Automation

Significant features of our CIP systems

DAPL being a leader in offering and implementing total automation solutions for the dairy/brewery and beverage industries, has also innovated cleaning solutions for the cleaning of process equipments,tanks,lines,filling lines etc.This fully computerized CIP system is called the CLEAN MASTER and is available in 4 skid mounted models. The CLEAN MASTER performs all the tasks assigned to it with speed and accuracy and at the same time proves to be cost-effective.

DAPL offers the fully computerized CIP system on a turnkey basis which includes design,supply, installation and commissioning.This also includes supply of tanks, valves, pipeline assemblies, instrumentation, control panels and ethernet-linked computer display. The entire system is offered as skid-mounted units along with total integrationof your existing plant to facilitate very effective cleaning.

Various skid-mounted CIP systems

Single Tank System

This is a simple and low cost unit which is specially suitable for plants with low budgetary requirements and simple technical operations. It's simple and skid-mounting feature offers a space-saving option with the facility of portability.

Two Tank System

This skid-mounted unit is for dairies, breweries and beverage plants with a medium budgetary allocation and slightly complex processing facilities.

Three Tank System

This skid-mounted is for slightly high budget allocation plant. Depending upon the technical challenges of the plant ,this system offers wide options in terms of CIP circuits (1,2,3 circuit) to meet the day to day operations.

Four Tank System

This amazing cleaning solution fulfills all requirements of heavy load of CIP operations through a 4 circuit system making it easy for the CIP's of 4 different destinations to be performed simultaneously. It's significant features include speed, accuracy,cost-effective,chemical-r ecovery, operational ease, upgradable, energy efficient etc.

Dairy Automation Pvt. Ltd. 


Our Automation Services

Processing Solutions
DAPL is credited in innovating and designing a novel concept in total computerization in the dairy industry. Rightly called 'Dairy Dashboard' it performs all the routine and complex operations of a dairy at the click of a mouse from a centralized process control room making the right move every time in ' cost-driven operational excellence'.Similar solutions are also available for brewery and beverage industries.

Processing and Cleaning Solutions
At DAPL we have complete integrated software solutions for the smooth running of plants- Be it in the areas of product processing or in the CIP's of various lines,tanks concerned with production.Also, we offer to upgrade and/or expand your plant operations with the existing equipments set up by incorporating the latest solutions to provide a cost-effective automated plant with an emphasis on energy savings.We are working continually to innovate new products based on need-based ideas and plan to come up with new,unique and cost-driven solutions for the dairy/brewery and beverage industries.

Cleaning Solutions
DAPL presents an amazing cleaning-solution-based- equipment system that performs all the tasks with speed and accuracyand at the same time proves to be cost-effective too.This system is called the 'Clean Master' and is available in 4 skid-mounted models depending on the technical and budgetary requirements of the plant.

Automation upgradation
This service is for plants with an installed base of exixting old/ obsolete equipments which are not in synchronization with the present processing needs.

MES Applications
The Manufacturing Execution System is suitable for manufacturing and equipment performance,production execution,quality and tracking.

ERP Integration Services
This is for automation equipment offering maintenance and support programs,spare parts etc maintaining and improving conditions to maximize plant up-time.

Automation Services
This is to link plant floor automation systems to customer's enterprise.

Automation Systems
This system consists of PLC and HMI for plant-wide automation.

Dairy Automation Pvt. Ltd. 

Why a fully computerized CIP system ???

The fully computerized CIP system offered by DAPL is a future-proof investment, offering short payback time with significant savings in operation costs and it gives the opportunity to reconfigure,expand and upgrade if needed.
This system helps to keep your entire plant clean and hygienic through centralized and integrated CIP software with ease of operational cost cleaning programs make economical use of cleaning agents and water and allows you to restart the production as quickly as possible.

Dairy Automation Pvt. Ltd.